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Case Study: Advanced 50mm Laser Beam Expander

Laser beam expanders are crucial optical devices used to increase the diameter of laser beams. They are essential in a range of fields, from precision manufacturing to advanced scientific research. By expanding the beam, these devices reduce divergence, allowing the laser to travel longer distances with less spread. This characteristic is vital for applications demanding high accuracy, such as laser cutting, welding, optical communication, and various types of laboratory experiments.


Manufacturing Specifications

  • Wavelength: 1064 nm
  • Magnification: 5X
  • Entrance Pupil Diameter: 4 mm
  • Exit Pupil Diameter: 20 mm
  • Lens Dimensions: Φ26×50 mm


Optical Design Considerations

  • Pupil Diameters: The expander transitions from a 4 mm entrance pupil to a 20 mm exit pupil, designed to expand the beam while preserving its quality and minimizing wavefront distortion.
  • Wavelength Optimization: At 1064 nm, the choice of materials such as fused silica is critical. These materials ensure high transmission efficiency and minimal dispersion.
  • Magnification Precision: Achieving a precise 5X magnification requires careful selection and arrangement of optical elements. The design typically uses a Keplerian or Galilean approach to minimize aberrations and maximize beam expansion.

Mechanical and Structural Design

  • Tolerances and Alignment: High precision in mechanical tolerances is essential to minimize alignment errors and ensure consistent optical performance.
  • Lens Size: The expander has a physical dimension of Φ26×50 mm. This size determines the housing and mounting requirements, ensuring stable alignment of optical components.
  • Material Choices: For durability and thermal compatibility, materials such as anodized aluminum or stainless steel are used in the housing.

Simulation and Testing

  • Ray Tracing: Essential for verifying correct alignment and magnification, ensuring the beam path meets design specifications.
  • Wavefront and Thermal Analysis: These simulations check for aberrations and ensure the system’s performance remains stable under various operational temperatures.
  • Testing Protocols: Post-fabrication tests include verifying alignment, physical dimensions, and beam divergence to confirm the expander meets all design criteria.

Benefits and Applications

  • Performance Advantages
    • Enhanced Beam Quality: The 5X magnification allows for a substantial increase in beam diameter from 4 mm to 20 mm, crucial for applications requiring high resolution and reduced divergence.
    • Optimized for 1064 nm: The design ensures maximum efficiency and minimal losses, reducing chromatic aberrations.
    • High Optical Integrity: Maintains exceptional wavefront quality, ensuring the output beam remains collimated over long distances.
  • Durability and Reliability
    • Robust Construction: The expander’s design incorporates durable materials and precise alignment to ensure reliable performance even in demanding environments.
    • Versatile Use Cases: It is adaptable for various applications including laser scanning, material processing, and medical equipment, offering flexibility and integration ease.
  • Cost Efficiency
    • Economical Design: Efficient material selection and manufacturing processes lower costs while maintaining high performance and reducing the need for frequent maintenance.

The 50mm laser beam expander is a high-performance optical component designed for precision and reliability. Its advanced features, including precise magnification, wavelength optimization, and robust mechanical design, make it an ideal choice for diverse applications. The expander’s proven performance and cost-effectiveness ensure its continued relevance and adaptability in both current and future technological landscapes.

Contact Shanghai Optics today! We’d be more than happy to discuss your projects and how to best bring them to fruition.


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